How Messi recovered from last year’s eagle attack

How Messi recovered from last year’s eagle attack

Posted by on Apr 2, 2015 in Animals & wildlife

The Sami culture has a strong connection with tradition, long-established reindeer herding being at the heart of it. In Sweden alone there are some 260.000 reindeer and young Messi is one of them. In Spring 2014 the newborn calf was attacked by an eagle and although severely injured, it survived. The animal was brought down […]

The oldest spruce tree in the world

The oldest spruce tree in the world

Posted by on Nov 12, 2014 in Nature, Places

It is said that every man must do three things in life: plant a tree, have a child and build a house. Ernest Hemingway allegedly added a fourth, i.e., writing a novel. Let’s focus on the trees, commonly liked by everyone. During our childhood they are favourably disposed towards being used as elevated playground area. […]