How Nordic nature relates with a Japanese garden
Swedish wilderness and Japanese gardens, the natural beauty versus the created beauty. In both surroundings there is no balance without contrast. Yet, while the essence of the Japanese garden is found in its purpose to enhance the quality of human life, the close-up or miniature landscape in a natural environment, doesn’t have a purpose in […]
Why a dogsled is pulled by huskies instead of poodles
Skiing, snowboarding, walking, ice-fishing or a snow scooter ride? The winter’s outdoor activities list is a long one and has to be completed by including a dogsled tour. Dog sledding has its roots in history: travellers and hunters used dog power for transportation of people, food and trade goods, crossing frozen lakes and snow covered […]
The oldest spruce tree in the world
It is said that every man must do three things in life: plant a tree, have a child and build a house. Ernest Hemingway allegedly added a fourth, i.e., writing a novel. Let’s focus on the trees, commonly liked by everyone. During our childhood they are favourably disposed towards being used as elevated playground area. […]